Psalm 27: The Lord is My Light The Goodness of the Lord (Soper, Scott ) CPC-452 BB09-765 The Lord Is My Light (DeBruyn, Randall ) BB09-764 The Lord Is My Light (Walker, Christopher ) SS-61 BB09-686 The Lord Is My Light (McDonell, Angus ) SS2-252 The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Manibusan, Jesse ) SS2-253 I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Soper, Scott ) CPC-210 SS-154 CPC2-345 KAB09-241 J-594 J2-586 BB13-690 I Need You to Listen (Haugen, Marty ) GC-582 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Smith, Walter C.; ST. DENIO) KAB09-252 J-422 J2-621 BB13-562 GC-506 In the Land of the Living (Johengen, Carl ) GC-38 Lead Me, Guide Me (Akers, Doris ) KAB09-288 BB13-403 GC-574 GC2-555 May the Angels Be Your Guide (McGrath, Kathleen ; MacAller, Michele ) JSS-975 Remember Your Love (Ducote, Darryl ; Daigle, Gary ; Balhoff, Mike ) CPC-377 CPC2-337 KAB09-439 J2-561 BB13-668 GC-881 GC2-851 Save Your People (Farrell, Jim ) CPC2-254 KAB09-454 J-254 BB13-133 Song of Farewell (Sands, Ernest ) CPC-570 CPC2-351 KAB09-487 J-604 J2-580 BB13-688 The Lord Is My Light (Haas, David ) CPC2-17 KAB09-664 BB13-763 GC-39 GC2-29 The Lord Is My Light (Bouknight, Lilian ) GC-605 GC2-592 The Lord is My Light and My Salvation (Baker, Cyril ) GC2-101 The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Alstott, Owen ) The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Alstott, Owen ) J2-132 The Lord Is Near (Ducote, Darryl ) GC-609 The Lord Is Near/May the Angels (Joncas, Michael ) CPC-460 J-346 J2-719 GC-619 GC2-599 This Alone (Manion, Tim ) CPC-474 CPC2-405 KAB09-552 J-657 J2-689 BB13-390 Those Who Seek Your Face (Walker, Christopher ) CPC-566 J-150 J-153 J-157 J2-128 Wait for the Lord (Berthier, Jacques ) GC-332 GC2-340 We Are Marching / Siyahamba (South African) SS-142 NTY-37 J2-665 GC-512 GC2-516 Yes, I Shall Arise (Deiss, CSSp, Lucien ) J-259 Yes, I Shall Arise (Alstott, Owen ) KAB09-635 J-373 J2-590 BB13-686
Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind and Merciful The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) BB09-807 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Modlin, Rick ) SS-77 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Booth, Tom ) SS2-274 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Willcock, Christopher ) BB09-806 (no recording) All Good Gifts (Keil, Kevin ; HEISLMAN) CPC-14 J2-644 BB11-623 Bless the Lord (Walker, Edward ) J-590 Bless the Lord (Roth, Kevin M; Canedo, Ken ; Brennan, Dan ; Cavallero, Marc ) SS2-340 NTY-7 Bless the Lord, My Soul (DeBruyn, Randall ; Applegate, Janine ) J-245 Blessed Be God (Connolly, Gerard ) GC-477 Deep Down in My Soul (Haas, David ) GC-880 El Señor Es Compasivo / The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Cortez, Jaime ) J2-82 Happy the Poor in Spirit (Porter, Thomas J.) GC-139 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Smith, Walter C.; ST. DENIO) J-422 J2-621 BB11-577 GC-506 Jesus, Heal Us (Haas, David ) GC-875 GC2-846 My Soul, Give Thanks to the Lord (Proulx, Richard ; Gelineau, Joseph ) GC-98 GC2-57 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (ST. THOMAS (WILLIAMS)) CPC-318 CPC2-364 J-414 J2-599 BB11-551 Our God Is Rich in Love (Moore, Robert C.) GC-652 GC2-620 Praise the Lord, My Soul (Foley, SJ, John ) GPCLAS-168 Praise the Lord, My Soul (Parker, Val ) GC-554 Rich in Compassion (Landry, Carey ) GPCLAS-184 The Lord Has Set His Throne (Guimont, Michel ) GC2-972 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Cotter, Jeanne ) GC-99 GC2-58 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Haugen, Marty ) GC-100 GC2-59 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Willcock, Christopher ) CPC2-73 J2-83 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Alstott, Owen ) RA11-42 The Lord is Kind and Merciful, Slow to Anger, and Rich in Compassion (Alstott, Owen ) RA11-126
I Will Praise Your Name (Haas, David ) BB09-825 (no recording) I Will Praise Your Name (Willcock, Christopher ) J2-112 I Will Praise Your Name/The Hand of the Lord (Smith, Timothy R.) CPC2-96 J2-110 The Lord Is Near (Booth, Tom ) SS2-285 NTY-62 Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Dorsey, Thomas A.; PRECIOUS LORD) CPC-371 CPC2-343 J-572 BB11-682 GC-874 GC2-847 The Hand of God (Haas, David ) GC2-828 The Hand of God Shall Hold You (Haugen, Marty ) GC-859 GC2-862