Two-year preparation time:In conjunction with Archdiocesan guidelines, preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion is a two-year period beginning in 1st Grade. NOTE: Older children from 4th grade and up: Children and youth who have been baptized Catholic but have not celebrated First Reconciliation and First Communion will participate in the RCIA adapted for Older Children sessions. Click HEREfor more information about this process
Sacramental Preparation Year 1: This is the first of the two-year preparation period. This year includes participating in activites for families at home, in monthly Family Faith Sundays, and in Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 11:00 am Mass (when they resume). The children in this group will be baptized 1st graders who have been active in our Sunday School Program or are new to our program, in our Parish School, or children in 2nd and 3rd grade who have not been catechized or have not participated in some formal sacramental preparation in a parish. Click HERE for this year's schedule. The program includes the following components:
Sessions for Parents/Guardians and children: At the beginning of the year, there is an Orientation Meeting with all the Year One families about the expectations for the coming year. In addition, in May there is a gathering of all families from Year One and Two so families can share their experiences with one another
Family Faith Sundays: Families will be required to attend at least 6 of the 8 monthly Family Faith Sundays. CLICK HERE to see this year's schedule.
Sacramental Preparation 2: This is the second year of preparation. Children in this program will be those who have done the first year preparation. New second graders can join this class if they have been catechized, e.g., they go to a Catholic school, or if they have participated in some formal sacramental preparation in a parish. The children will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and their First Communion during this year. Click HERE for this year's schedule. The program includes the following components:
Sessions for Parents/ Guardians and children: Prior to the celebration of each sacrament, there are two sessions with parents/guardians to support their roles as the primary teachers of the faith in the home. They play an essential role in their child’s preparation. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for parent/guardian and child to prepare together for these important sacraments.
Learning Centers Prior to the celebration of each sacrament, parents/guardians will have the opportunity to accompany their child in a series of activities that will deepen everyone's understanding of that sacrament and enrich the families' faith life. They will also provide the opportunity for parents/guardians to discern their child's readiness for each sacrament.
Rehearsal: In addition, parents / guardians with their children will gather in the church prior to the celebration of First Holy Communion. This gathering serves as an important climactic preparation of the group as members of the Church community preparing for the Sacrament.
Our Parish School and Sunday School Programs use the same curriculum. You can learn more about Finding God by clicking HERE. We also use resources based on the Sunday readings, connecting families more deeply to the Mass. You can learn more about those resources by clicking HERE.
Parents / Guardians have a significant part in this special preparation for their children’s celebration of these important sacraments. During the Sunday Faith Formation sessions, the catechists work with the children to prepare them for these important steps in their faith journey. But it is the lived faith at home, role modeled by the parents/guardians that best helps the children to integrate what they learn into their young lives.