Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want." Because the Lord Is My Shepherd (Walker, Cr ) CPC-64 CPC2-436 NTY-132 J-716 J2-725 BB11-481
Come to Me (Norbet, Gregory ) CPC-108 CPC2-442 J-608 J2-728 BB11-473
El Señor Es Mi Pastor/The Lord Is My Shepherd (Reza, Mary Frances ) BB11-762
Gentle Shepherd / Jesús, Pastor Tan Dulce (Colgan, OSB, Tobias ) CPC-154 J-770 J2-737
I Shall Live in the House of the Lord All the Days of My Life (Alstott, Owen ) RA11-134 I Shall Not Want (Booth, Tom ) SS2-241 NTY-115
Jesus, Shepherd of Our Souls (GOOD SHEPARD) GC-725
My Shepherd Is the Lord (Gelineau, Joseph ) CPC2-12 BB11-760 GC-30
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (Watts, Isaac ; RESIGNATION) J2-732
My Shepherd, Lord (Hardin, Gary W.; BROTHER JAMES' AIR) J-423
O Word of God (Manalo, CSP, Ricky ) BB11-317 Psalm 23 (Conry, Tom ) J-560 J2-736 BB11-485
Psalm 23: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) (Alstott, Owen ) J-128 J2-136 BB11-839 RA11-84 RA11-56 Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen, Marty ) CPC-400 SS-59 CPC2-11 BB11-482 GC-31 GC2-23
Shepherd of My Heart (O'Brien, Francis Patrick) GC-641 GC2-624
Shepherd of Souls (ST. AGNES) CPC-402 CPC2-499 J-480 J2-825 BB11-363 GC2-818
Song of Farewell (Schutte, Dan ) J2-585 The Carpenter (Foley, SJ, John ) GC-483 (look for "Listen Preview" button)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Sensmeier, Randall ) GC-32
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Wise, Joe ) GC-643
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Crandal, Scot ) CPC2-10 J2-23 BB11-761 The Lord Is My Shepherd (Blakesley, Josh ) SS2-250 NTY-42 BB11-488
The Lord Is My Shepherd; There Is Nothing I Shall Want (Alstott, Owen ) RA11-148
The Lord Is My True Shepherd (Lindusky, Eugene M.; Mohr, Joseph ) J-412
Tú Vas Conmigo/The Lord Is My Shepherd (Hurd, Bob ) J2-24
We Shall Rise Again (Young, Jeremy ; RESURRECTION) GC-772 GC2-762
With a Shepherd’s Care (Chepponis, James J.) GC-654 GC2-628
Without Seeing You (Haas, David ) GC-844 GC2-842
Yahweh Is My Shepherd (Rieth, Millie ) J-556
Psalm 25: "To you, O God, I lift up my soul."
A Ti, Señor/To You, O Lord (Hurd, Bob ) J2-27 Hold Me in Life (Oosterhuis, Huub ; Huijbers, Bernard ) CPC-183 J-670 J2-702 BB12-447 GC-599 I Lift Up My Soul (Manion, Tim ) CPC-214 CPC2-16 J-527 BB12-764
Jesus, Lead the Way (ROCHELLE) GC-642 GC2-632
Levanto Mi Alma (Peña, Donna ) GC-37
Remember Your Love (Daigle, Gary ; Balhoff, Mike ; Ducote, Darryl ) CPC-377 CPC2-337 J2-561 BB12-675 GC-881 GC2-851
Remember Your Mercies (Haas, David ) GC-35 GC2-27
Remember Your Mercy, Lord (Inwood, Paul ) J-603 GC-885
Servant Song (Fisher, Bobby ) GC-683 To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul (Hurd, Bob ) CPC-490 SS-60 CPC2-408 NTY-123 J-628 J2-691 BB12-398
To You, O Lord (Alstott, Owen ) CPC-492 J-559 J2-718 BB12-425 To You, O Lord (Soper, Scott ) CPC-494 CPC2-15 J-634 J2-28 BB12-766 To You, O Lord (Joncas, Michael ) CPC2-14 J2-26 BB12-765
To You, O Lord (Haugen, Marty ) GC-36 GC2-26 To You, O Lord (Smith, Timothy R.) SS2-251 NTY-43
Psalm 27 (COMMON PSALM): The Lord is My Light The Goodness of the Lord (Soper, Scott ) CPC-452 BB09-765 The Lord Is My Light (DeBruyn, Randall ) BB09-764 The Lord Is My Light (Walker, Christopher ) SS-61 BB09-686 The Lord Is My Light (McDonell, Angus ) SS2-252 The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Manibusan, Jesse ) SS2-253
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Soper, Scott ) CPC-210 SS-154 CPC2-345 KAB09-241 J-594 J2-586 BB13-690
I Need You to Listen (Haugen, Marty ) GC-582
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Smith, Walter C.; ST. DENIO) KAB09-252 J-422 J2-621 BB13-562 GC-506
In the Land of the Living (Johengen, Carl ) GC-38
Lead Me, Guide Me (Akers, Doris ) KAB09-288 BB13-403 GC-574 GC2-555
May the Angels Be Your Guide (McGrath, Kathleen ; MacAller, Michele ) JSS-975
Remember Your Love (Ducote, Darryl ; Daigle, Gary ; Balhoff, Mike ) CPC-377 CPC2-337 KAB09-439 J2-561 BB13-668 GC-881 GC2-851
Save Your People (Farrell, Jim ) CPC2-254 KAB09-454 J-254 BB13-133
Song of Farewell (Sands, Ernest ) CPC-570 CPC2-351 KAB09-487 J-604 J2-580 BB13-688
The Lord Is My Light (Haas, David ) CPC2-17 KAB09-664 BB13-763 GC-39 GC2-29
The Lord Is My Light (Bouknight, Lilian ) GC-605 GC2-592
The Lord is My Light and My Salvation (Baker, Cyril ) GC2-101
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Alstott, Owen )
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Alstott, Owen ) J2-132
The Lord Is Near (Ducote, Darryl ) GC-609
The Lord Is Near/May the Angels (Joncas, Michael ) CPC-460 J-346 J2-719 GC-619 GC2-599
This Alone (Manion, Tim ) CPC-474 CPC2-405 KAB09-552 J-657 J2-689 BB13-390
Those Who Seek Your Face (Walker, Christopher ) CPC-566 J-150 J-153 J-157 J2-128
Wait for the Lord (Berthier, Jacques ) GC-332 GC2-340
We Are Marching / Siyahamba (South African) SS-142 NTY-37 J2-665 GC-512 GC2-516
Yes, I Shall Arise (Deiss, CSSp, Lucien ) J-259
Yes, I Shall Arise (Alstott, Owen ) KAB09-635 J-373 J2-590 BB13-686
Psalm 30: "I Will Praise You, Lord, for you have rescued me" I Will Praise You, Lord (Haas)
Come, Christians, Join to Sing (MADRID; Bateman, Christian H.) CPC-103 CPC2-361 J-387 J2-608 BB12-567
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT) CPC-186 CPC2-355 NTY-95 J-343 J2-593 BB12-195 GC-524 GC2-519
How Can I Keep from Singing (ENDLESS SONG; Lowry, Robert ) CPC-192 SS-117 CPC2-431 NTY-116 J-367 J2-721 BB12-437 GC-603 GC2-598
I Will Praise You, Lord (Inwood, Paul ) CPC2-21 J-683 J2-32 BB12-770 GC-41 GC230
I Will Praise You, Lord (Guimont, Michel )GC2909
Leave the Past in Ashes (Consiglio, OSB Cam., Fr. Cyprian ) BB12-115
O Lord, Have Mercy (Alstott, Owen ) J-247
Padre, en Tus Manos/Father, into Your Hands (Hurd, Bob ) J2-34
The Lord Is My Hope (Ridge, M.D. ) J-648 J2-730 BB12-498 GC-613
Psalm 33: "Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own."
Psalm 33: "Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you." Lord, Let Your Mercy (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) BB10-774 The Lord Fills the Earth with His Love (Inwood, Paul ) BB10-773
God Is Love (Haas, David ) GC-629 GC2-608
Happy the People (Kreutz, Robert E.) J2-35
Happy the People You Have Chosen (Cooney, Rory ) CPC2-24
Let Your Mercy Be on Us (Haugen, Marty ) GC-45 GC2-32
Lord, Be with Us (Walker, Christopher ) J-353
Lord, Let Your Mercy (Guimont, Michel ) GC2-914
Lord, Let Your Mercy Be on Us (Arnold, Vivian ) J2-36
Lord, Let Your Mercy Be on Us, As We Place Our Trust in You (Alstott, Owen ) RA11-86
Song of the Chosen (Cooney, Rory ) GPCLAS-172 GC-813
Taste and See (Moore, Jr., James E.) BB09-328 (no recording)
Psalm 40: "Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will." Father, We Adore You (Coelho Strom, Terrye ) NTY-114
Here Am I (Proulx, Richard ; Batastini, Robert J.)
Here Am I, Lord; I Come To Do Your Will (Alstott, Owen ) RA11-32 Here Am I, Lord (Stephan, Curtis ) SS2-255 NTY-254
Here Am I, Lord (Walker, Christopher ; Freeburg, DC, Sr. Paule )
Here Am I, Lord; I Come to Do Your Will (Schiavone, Rev. John )
Here Am I, Lord; I Come to Do Your Will (Alstott, Owen )
Here Am I, Lord; I Come to Do Your Will (Schiavone, Rev. John )
Here Am I, O God (Rubalcava, Pedro )
Here I Am (Walker, Christopher )
Here I Am, Send Me (Schoenbachler, Tim ) J-735 Here I Am/God, My God, Come to My Aid (Cooney, Rory ) CPC2-31 J2-41 BB11-778 GC-49 GC2-35
Psalm 62: "Rest in God alone, my soul." For God Alone (Soper, Scott ) J-470 J2-49
In God Alone (Haas, David ) GC-59
In the Land There Is a Hunger (Lynch, Michael B.) J-719 BB11-582 Only in God (Talbot, John Michael ) CPC-342 CPC2-430 J-522 J2-712 BB11-455
Only in God (Foley, SJ, John ) GPCLAS-154 GC-621 GC2-591
The Lord Is Near (Ducote, Darryl ) GC-609
You Are All We Have (O'Brien, Francis Patrick) GC-505 GC2-508
Rest in God Alone (Guimont, Michel ) GC2-932
Psalm 67: "O God, let all the nations praise your name!"
Come, Christians, Join to Sing (MADRID; Bateman, Christian H.) CPC2-361 KAB13-131 J2-608 BB14-559
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (Alford, Henry ; ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR; Elvey, George J.) CPC2-384 KAB13-150 J2-639 BB14-209 GC-564 GC2-552
For the Fruits of This Creation (Green, Fred Pratt; AR HYD Y NOS) CPC2-385 KAB13-183 J2-629 BB14-425
From All That Dwell Below the Skies / Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (OLD HUNDREDTH) J2-603
May God Bless Us in His Mercy (Guimont, Michel ) GC-66 GC2-936
May God Bless Us in His Mercy (Alstott, Owen ) BB14 p.29
Now Thank We All Our God (NUN DANKET) CPC2-382 KAB13-379 J2-636 BB14-195 GC-565 GC2-545 O God, Let All the Nations (Smith, Timothy R.) CPC2-44 KAB13-701 J2-55 BB14-784
O God, Let All the Nations Praise You (Alstott, Owen ) BB14 p.115
O Word of God (Manalo, CSP, Ricky ) KAB13-413 BB14-315
Savior of the Nations, Come (Geystliche Gesangk Büchleyn; NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND; Luther, Martin ) J2-321 GC-334 GC2-348
The Earth Has Yielded Its Fruits/La Tierra Ya Germinó (Cortés, Eleazar ) J2-54
Psalm 71: "I will sing of your salvation."
A Mighty Fortress (EIN’ FESTE BURG) J2-709 GC-607 GC2-594
I Will Sing (Haas, David ) GC-71
I Will Sing of Your Salvation (Alstott, Owen )
Now Thank We All Our God (Crüger, Johann ; Rinkart, Martin ; NUN DANKET) CPC-312 CPC2-382 KAB09-351 J-339 J2-636 BB13-198 GC-565 GC2-545
Since My Mother's Womb, You Have Been My Strength (Guimont, Michel ) GC2-942
We Three Kings/Del Oriente Somos (KINGS OF ORIENT) CPC-526 CPC2-241 NTY-164 KAB09-602 J-218 J2-364 BB13-107 GC-373 GC2-382